Sometimes I feel we’re spoiled with the amount of quality snow we get in Utah. I mean come on we’ve now coined the phrase Ski City and well we’re not Vail, CO in terms of crowds so we have a lot going for us and for me I take it for granted.

I get a bit irritable when I’m not skiing fresh powder (I’m a snow snob) but on days like today I need to just simply ENJOY the sport and soak up some vitamin D. Ripping groomers, carving turns and going off trail to find the semi-soft stuff can be equally rewarding and damn fun and today was DAMN FUN.

I’m reflecting with a warm cup of coffee while writing this post in the John Paul lodge and quite frankly I’m damn lucky to be here doing this exact thing, this exact moment. The food is awesome and my office rent is a yearly ski pass so thanks Snowbasin so really I need a reality check and stop being a ski snob, I’m only ruining it for myself.


Mt Ogden Bowl

With a bit of hiking there are still some soft spots to be found on these days.