Today was an epic day at Snowbasin. Pretty much every resort in Utah is going off. While the snow isn’t as deep as places like Snowbird or Alta we’re getting our fair share of snow at Snowbasin. Yesterdays storm was left untouched due to wind restrictions shutting down most of the lifts so today was all time great. Bluebird sky and a healthy dose of Vitamin D was had by all. The phrase you heard while walking in the plaza was “Best day of the season” “Amazing lines”

Strawberry in particular was pretty much untouched and we had one run from top to bottom was untracked 6+ inch powder. We skied 18+ virtual miles in less than 3 hours.

Here is a video of a un-named section off Becker lift. We call it strawberry fields. We had 5 laps on this run alone because it’s quickly accessible and usually untracked.